News and Events

April 2-6 - Collaborate 2017, Las Vegas, NV, Mandalay Bay.

August 14-16 - JDE Infocus 2017, Denver, CO, Sheraton Hotel.



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JDE Orchestrator/Notification Schedule Management

JD Edwards has come out with a number of great enhancements over the last few years.  The AIS Server, orchstration, notifications.  All wonderful and have a lot of potential.

Included is a nice little scheduler for these notifications and orchestrations to run. However, they have not come out (yet) with a way to manage the scheduler process.   So, we present to you - Manage JDE AIS Scheduler.   

With this, you can start and stop the scheduler, as well as specfic notifictions and list what is active.  

To execute the basic help, use:

java -jar ManageJDEAISScheduler.jar -c=help 

There is also a configuration file that comes standard that can allow you to save off the role, user, password, environment and AIS Server:  This is enable by the -f=true option.  If you want your own file, use -f=true and -l=filename to include your own. 

This is free for all who want it.  This comes as-is with no warranty, in English,  and does contain an opensource parameter parser.  It also contains the Oracle (c) AIS Client in the jar.  It will not write anything to your system.   Let us know what you think!


- Windows file I/O odd behavior with JDE, E1 - and a solution!

At one of our clients recently we encountered a strange situation that required Oracle's help to resolve.

We are reading a series of XML files from a directory using a custom function called from a master UBE (We did not use WebServices for performance reasons) and load them into a table for processing.  After we load, the master UBE calls a number of UBEs synchronously to process the files.

What we discovered was that the called UBEs were not executing at all.  In the log, we found an error that the security token could not be renewed.  Very mysterious!

After a few calls back and forth with support, we narrowed it down to a function called jdeChdir. This function changed the directory for us where the files were kept (the location is on a processing option for each environment).  This worked fine.  However, calling this function not only changes it for the function, but for the entire UBE process running. To call the next UBE, the system looked for the security server in the directory that we had changed it to using the jdeChdir function!

To get around it, we got rid of that function and instead used the processing option directly without changing the directory to list the files in the directory. Oracle has put a new article on My Oracle Support for it - 1321239.1

After fixing that function, our called UBEs now execute properly!